Tag Archives: Taylor Swift

I’m cheating … sssssh!

Essentially, this title is an over exaggeration, but who cares! 2 post in 2 days! record!

So last night, I watched my first ever episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I know, many years behind, but I do have my reasons! Anyway, I thought it was really good, I watched the first ever episode, after being lended (it’s a word!) a season 1 – 4 boxset. So I’m gonna continue  But here are my issues. Unrelated to the title of this post, why would you put as an extra on a season 1 disc, I look back at season 1. Is that not the purpose of buying the bloody season in the first place. Idiots! And now, in relation to the title.

I am an E.R. junkie (that sounds wrong!). I loved E.R. from the moment I first watched it (first episode being the one where Carter gets stabbed, I caught up with the back episodes on repeat) and loved it till it finished. It is one show, that I genuinely do miss each year, when the new US dramas come to the UK. There was never a rubbish episode, and I do intend to one day own the entire series on dvd. So when Grey’s came around, I was all like, I have a medical drama to watch, and I think it wasn’t on freeview telly at the time. But now I have this feeling – Am I cheating on ER!!?? The answer I’m gonna go for is no, because E.R. is gritter than Grey’s, Grey’s is like E.R. but posh. I do miss the grittiness, but I’m gonna keep watching. Grey’s is also more like House, which thanks to the idiots known as SKY TV, I never got to see the end of. Sky do this where they take shows, that have got really good audience on freeview and steal them, because they wouldn’t know how to pick a great show if they tried – Glee, Lost, Chuck to name but a few! If you haven’t got this by now – I HATE SKY!

In updates of what I did yesterday, I completed season 1 of New Girl and also got the fab news that Taylor Swift is gonna be in New Girl. This is exactly the same as when Hilary Duff got cast in Gossip Girl, my favourite things coming together! I also made a teeny tiny dent into my film folder. I started, but haven’t finished She’s Out Of My League and I watched and loved more than I thought I would The Runaways. I tend to not like films that Kristen Stewart is in cause she annoy’s me slightly (don’t ask! and it’s poor judgement on my part having never met her! Bad me!), but saying this now I really liked Snow White and the Huntsman, and I really liked her in The Runaways.

In updating on today, I am baking! I am watching The Big Reunion! I am reorganising  And I’m ticked off that my nails have all chipped and I blame Morrisons!


Film Of The Day: The Runaways
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Sally Hansen in The Sky’s The Limit and Lavender Cloud, with a glitter coat of OPI I juggle…. men!

Best of 2012

So, here are some of my favourite things from 2012. I will say right now, I don’t know if all of these started or were out in 2012, but I watched them or they ended in 2012 so fair dos!


I have watched a lot of movies this year, but not actually at the cinema, I don’t think PI actually went to the cinema that much this year. But I think a lot of people (hopefully!) will agree with me, critics, storywise or what ever you could pick at, The Avengers (I still call it this regardless of the UK title!) was my favourite film of 2012. I think it was the whole getting superheroes together from separately good films, into one awesome action flick, which actually was funny as well as action packed. You could literally stick this movie on no matter what time of day, how your feeling and it just makes you feel happier. And the fact that we defiantly have Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 to look forward to this year and Captain America 2 in 2014, it’s just an added cherry.

Honourable mention to The Dark Night Rises too, which was a suitably fitting end to a movie franchise, that shows that sequels don’t have to loose the shine of the earlier movies. While in my eyes, The Dark Night will always be the better film, being the first of the franchise I saw, I think I’ll grow to love it more with more viewing (currently sat of my Christmas Present pile). I also really enjoyed The Hunger Games and surprisingly for some, John Carter was another film I enjoyed! I have watched many many more fantastic films this year, just look back through this blog and you’ll find me mentioning them.


It’s been a fantastic year for TV, so much that I don’t have an actual stand out favourite, I’m just gonna list the programmes I’ve loved:

  • Miranda
  • New Girl
  • Merlin
  • Sherlock
  • Downton Abbey
  • Revenge
  • The Big Bang Theory

Plus many many more (this seems to be a common denominator for me lol!). Althought I think I could literally live off a diet of The Big Bang Theory if I were to choose just one! I’ve also said goodbye to two show this year that as a teenager (past) I grew up on – Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. I, even though I am way past being a teenager, need a new teen show (I’m hoping it will be The Carrie Diaries).


Like previous, I have enjoyed and listen to many fantastic songs this year, but I think one album just made my 2012 – Taylor Swift’s “Red”. I am a huge Taylor fan and this album was just pure loveliness. I was a huge of Fearless and although Speak Now was great, I didn’t think it topped it, but Red did! I especially love “All To Well”.


Thoughts Of The Day: People should really take some sort of test before being allowed to Shop Sales! FACT!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Very chipped and completely missing the thumb Christmas varnishes!