Category Archives: online

Bloggers World

I’ve been really getting into my blogging lately and what I’ve been enjoying more is the bloggers world, looking at other blogs and actually commenting on them for once. I’m one of those people who will religiously follow a blog for years, but never even comment on it.

I’ve been quite an online for years, but never really in the blogging world, but because I’ve given up a lot of other stuff online recently, I’ve been getting into actually being the person looking at it, rather than putting it out their and it’s great. So, I’m just gonna go through a few blogs that I enjoy – and I won’t lie, they are pretty much fashion and beauty related!

One blog that I have been following for the past year or so (and maybe indirectly the reason for my nail varnish addiction!), is Vampy Varnish. I just thinks an incredibly well written blog and it has introduced me to some nail brands that I had never head of and are now my favourite, as well as other cosmetic brands. Kelly, who writes it, is very honest, which is what you need because sometimes people can say products are good just to say they are, but she tells it like it is and gives you advice on the products.

As for my love of nail art, that really really really has to be credited to The Nailasaurus! I mean the girl can do nail art! And the nail art that she shows are actually really achievable and Sammy tells you what products she used, which makes it even easier! I love her videos as well, as there so informative.

LaurenConrad.Com and The Beauty Department are another two of my favourite blog. The Beauty Department is such an amazing source for beauty tutorials – I heart their nail ones – and have some fantastic beauty tips too. I’m just getting into LaurenConrad, it’s got a good mix of everything from fashion, to DIY, to beauty. I loved Lauren Conrad’s “Style” book.

These are just a few of the blog I read, but I hope you enjoy them.


Song Of The Day: Just heard on Radio 1 this morning the Hardwell Mix of Rihanna’s “Where Have You Been?”. I don’t really like dance music but in a strange twist, I love dance remix of songs!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Still OPI Spider-Man Collection in Into The Night but it’s very chipped! It’s going this aft!


I love Instgram! I was so glad when it finally was available on Android! So I thought I’d share a few of my pictures with you:

I will admit I put a lot of pictures of my nails on instagram! This is my favourite that I did for going to see the Olympic Torch Relay. Rather than the torch, I think I’ll remember most that day getting more drenched than I ever had in my entire life, it bucketed it down!

I do a lot of baking, and this is a compare and contrast between a cake I made and the picture in the book. It’s called a Grasshopper cake. It’s three layers of chocolate cake with a green mint icing, it was very tasty!

As I mentioned above and in my long winded post about it, it rains a lot where I live, as proven by this rather fetching picture! I actually like this picture a lot!