Category Archives: tv

Doctor Who Exactly!

So, new broke today that the 12th Doctor is going to be announced this Sunday. This comes as a coincidence to me, because I am actually re-watching Doctor Who at the moment – because that’s how you spend your holiday!

I have never seen any of the old Doctor Who, mostly because I wasn’t born! So, I have only ever watched the new one. Most people kind of have their Doctor and while I’ve seen the Christopher Ecclestone series and the Matt Smith years, but for me, David Tennant will always be my Doctor!! So when it came for the change over between David Tennant and Matt Smith, I was all like, it’s gonna be rubbish without him. Well, prove me wrong again, because it was just as good, not better, but just as good.

I remember when they announced the new Doctor and I was all like, who the hell is this and I hope that might be the case with the new one. I’ve seen the names being thrown around and not to be ageist or anti-women (I am one for starters!!!), but I do think it should be a young person like 25-40 bracket and I think it should be a man. I’m sorry, but I can’t see it working with a woman and why break something that ain’t broken, the formula works. And the names being thrown around, I really doubt that it will be any of them, but you never know, I just hope it works. I think you have to have a real character to play the Doctor.

Anyway, they’ll probably be a what do I think post on Monday, or Sunday.

Tomorrow’s post I promise will be more exciting – clue: SWEETS!!!!! Hell yeah!


Treat Of The Day: Jolly Rancher’s, more tomorrow!!!
Nails Of The Day: Same as yesterday, but on me last day!

Who’s That Girl?

Indeed, who am I, for it seems I have not posted in a good long while. But I do have a really good reason (aka excuse!). The last couple of weeks at work have been mega crazy and I’ve literally been bring work home to do, so I’ve just had no time what so ever. But now I’m on a down, so I have a bit more time, which is fab.

So, it’s safe to say, I haven’t really been doing anything that interesting. But tonight, well, ladies and gentlemen (of Europe), tonight is the night, because it’s EUROVISION!!!!!! (stops for breath!)

If you don’t know what Eurovision is (those outside of Europe are excuse), than basically, you’ve been living under a rock. While most would define it as a singing contest, to me, a born and bred Britoinion, Eurovision is just another way of showing that while some people in Britain can sing, to the rest of Europe, we are a country that you don’t vote for, cause it’s all about the Politics. We could have the Queen on stage singing God Save The Queen, and basically, we still wouldn’t win. Most people are like me, and watch it for the sheer crazy enjoyment that it is.

You basically fall in to a few categories. Category 1, the countries that actually really make an effort with their song, produces something really good and end up with nil pwah (bit of phonetics there for you). Category 2, you basically rehash a past year song and end up doing marginally better. And then there is 3, the crazy ass countries, that produces a song so completely and utterly bonkers, it wins. and what’s more, they are the countries that actually take it the most seriously. Bizarre but true.

So, sorry to my fellow Britain’s, but I can safely say right now – we ain’t got a cat in hells chance of winning. But I’ll be there watching it. I do hope there are some good songs this year, because I still love the song that won last year, Euphoria by Loreen. I have it on my ipod and listen to it only just yesterday.

Tonight is also the finale of Doctor Who, where we supposedly learn the Doctor’s name. I can half imagine right now that it ain’t going to be fascinating and this is no offence whatsoever to the writers of Doctor Who, that’s just kind of how these moments go. It would be cool if it was something like Bob, Barry really proper solid names, but I don’t think it will be. In a way, I really hope we don’t learn and that this is all just hype. But, as I am going out for dinner tonight, I won’t be seeing the episode till tomorrow, because I’ll also be watching Eurovision on delay, so it’s gonna take some sheer will power to stop me from clicking on digital spy and finding out when I get home. I can tell you right now, I’ll probably know the minute it happens, I’m that pathetically sad!

I’ve also been keeping up to date with the latest shows being picked up in the States, and I am very happy with some of the choices, although I can’t really see a stand out comedy show yet, I don’t think we’ve had a good one in years, not since the likes of The Big Bang Theory, which I’m delighted to let you know, I watched some the first episode and was applauding it for years, before anyone began watching it. No jumping on no band wagon for me. the CW have some really interesting shows this year, but’s it’s Marvel’s Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D which I am most looking forward too. But I’m already putting myself in for a pit fall, because I would say Sky will snap it up and I don’t buy in to the whole Sky Conglomerate thing. They literally just wait for show to get good on freeview and then buy them up, they wouldn’t know how to pick a good show if it bit them. But a lot of ABC shows go to Channel Five too, so maybe, if I pray enough to the God’s of TV, they’ll repay me. If in doubt, DVD.

To update you on two other matters discussed on this blog, if you now look at my list of shows I’ve recorded to watch, there are NO EPISODES OF REVENGE! I have completely caught up over the past weeks. It’s so much better watching a load at one go, because you stay in the story, and I think that’s why I got bored. Also, I was a very very naughty girl and I watched that DVD I was giving someone as a present Shhhh!!!! She didn’t suspect a thing but I came up with the perfect cover if she asked why the plastic wrapping was missing, because this has happened to me before – the DVD was rattling around inside and I wanted to put it back in properly, so it wouldn’t get scratch – bazinga! There’s a great excuse for any of you thinking of doing the same thing!


Thought Of The Day: Are 99’ers called 99’ers, cause they use to be 99p (aka they are an ice cream).
Nails of the Day: Non, but someone kindly gifted me with 5 brand new OPI varnishes (It was me ssshhh!)

Aftermath of Broadchurch (VERY BIG MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT)


Very angry way to start, I do apologies. I would also like to thank anyone who read my last post, which was very, shall we say personal (if that word is in my vocabulary , it really helped me to vent, although now I worry less, today I had to worry more, after someone decided to set up a Facebook account with my email address! You are so hilarious it’s not even funny!

Anywhoo, last nights Broadchurch. Before we even discuss it, I need to get this off my chest and fully gloat to the high heavens, I GOT IT RIGHT!!!! I think I was highly irritating last night after the reveal, so I apologies greatly to my family (and I truly don’t care or mean it lol!). I seem to be able to guess programs pretty well, I don’t know if I am slightly judging myself on that part for watching too much TV, but it’s a gift. I am TV psychic. That’s going on the resume.

So, the copper’s husband did it. I had my thoughts on him for a while, but it was even more confirmed last week, when Pauline Quirke’s character thought it was her son and I thought her son also looks very similar to the copper’s husband. In our staffroom, we thought his son might have done it and he covered it up for him. But no, it was actually him, although some are speculating he could still be covering, but I don’t know.

I thought for a moment that there was going to be a last minute twist, because the killer was revealed really quickly on, so I thought it would be too early for the real killer to be made known. It was really good to finally known after all this time who it was, but I don’t fully think they really went into why he did what he did and all that, it was just he did it and this is why. I must admit, that even though I had thought it was him, I still had a last minute punt on the shifty Vicar. I don’t really know why I thought he was shifty, I think it’s because he is the character you least expect because of the nature of the job to be good. But I’m glad we finally know, and I am looking forward to a second series, although I don’t really know how it will play out. Some say it might be that they look at David Tennant’s Scottish case, but obviously  we will know all about what happened, so there won’t be any surprises  But really, we only know what was said and his side of the story, we don’t know which is true.

Anyway, apart from the rotten start to my day, it then turned out to be epic, because the Thor trailer was released!!!!! Our the golden God, his hair is longer, I don’t like that (or do I, I can’t decide). I swear I do not have a hair fetish!!!


Song Of The Day: You are too fully aware of my trailer love today, so it’s a song instead – Nina Nesbitt’s Statues
Nail Varnish Of The Day: It was Sally Hansen Chartreuse Chase (nicer than I thought) but I took it off.

Worry Wart

Do you worry? I have this big massive problem that I worry about everything. I worry about things that I can’t control, I worry about things that I do, even though they aren’t anything to worry about and I just worry in general, which isn’t helped by the fact that I am very very laid back and tend not to stress about things. They kind of contradict each other, but the worry is in my head half the time, and it stays there.

I worry about stupid things. Like if I say something to someone, and then for ages after, I wonder if I should have, even though it’s nothing to worry about. I worried for ages about my little car incident the other day. And this is the worst part, I worry about things that have absolutely nothing to do with me. Say if someone else is having a hard time with something, I’ll bloody worry about that for them. Even though I’m not involved! I think worry is not the right sort of word to use, it’s more fixating on it and not stopping to think about it.

It’s not that big of an issue and most of the time, it’s only when I have nothing else to do this happens, but it’s just strange, because I NEVER use to worry about anything at all, maybe it’s old age (lol!). Once I get to work tomorrow, I’ll probably think nothing of it at all. I just find it that little bit strange and annoying.

Anyway, yesterday I had a really good afternoon of catching up on stuff. And please, do not get me started on the insane back-up of Revenge episodes that I have to watch (I think as of this Monday, it will be 9). I just can’t seem to get into it. I think I just need a day to watch them in, maybe May Day. I caught up first with my US comedy, watching 2 Broke Girls and The New Normal. I really like them both, but if they did get cancelled, I wouldn’t worry (haha!) either. I know from Spoiler TV that things arn’t looking good for The New Normal, and I am struggling to see how it will continue after this season, but it’s still good. Then I caught up on my UK drama, watching The Village (good, if a little depressing at times!) and The Ice Cream Girls. I know the last one is based on a book so I might have to read it.

Which leads me very nicely in to what is being dubbed “Coincidence of the Day”. I absolutely fricking love coincidences! Am I the only one that finds them fascinating! It’s just like the worlds ways of telling us there’s more to it, you know. I had a bit of time, so I thought I’d watch a film and saved on the box, I had The Disappearance of Alice Creed. I was in to minds to watch it because it’s an 18, which  tend to stay away from, because being a child in my head, I am literally scared of my own shadow. But also, I kind of thought it might be a bit icky in the, well, let’s just say icky in the 18 sense of the way. But, actually, I really enjoyed it, because there was a great story to it. I think personally, I could get away with being a 15, because there isn’t any sort of high bloody violence in it, I think it’s an 18 more for the swearing and the nudity (which is brief). And to be far to most 15 year olds  they probably swear more than what the people in the film do, but anyway, I am digressing (verbal diarrhea). Anywhoo, there are some really great twists in the story (sorry *spoiler alert*) that I didn’t expect at all and that’s what kept the story interest. And here is where the coincidence comes into play. One of the guys in the movie was in The Ice Cream Girls. And I could have literally watched any film (I have about 8 pages worth of movies to get through – you get it, I like movies!) and I choose that one. It was fate – well, maybe just a tad. But it made me happy.

Quite a lot of randomness in this blog, so I think we shall end it there.


TV Show Of The Day: Should be Nashville, but due to my inability to remember to set it to record, I have a rather lovely date with a man named 4OD this afternoon!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: None but I have a lovely set of Primark Neon’s that need an outing!

*A new bit here, check back Tuesday, because I am going to blog about the final of Broadchurch, which was highly discussed in my staff room the other day. I do have a theory, but I won’t let you know till afterwards (I will not cheat, I swear) but I still think the Vicar is a bit shifty! PS anyone else find it hilarious that the Vicar and David Tennent where both in Doctor Who at different times? (silence) no, just me then!

I’m cheating … sssssh!

Essentially, this title is an over exaggeration, but who cares! 2 post in 2 days! record!

So last night, I watched my first ever episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I know, many years behind, but I do have my reasons! Anyway, I thought it was really good, I watched the first ever episode, after being lended (it’s a word!) a season 1 – 4 boxset. So I’m gonna continue  But here are my issues. Unrelated to the title of this post, why would you put as an extra on a season 1 disc, I look back at season 1. Is that not the purpose of buying the bloody season in the first place. Idiots! And now, in relation to the title.

I am an E.R. junkie (that sounds wrong!). I loved E.R. from the moment I first watched it (first episode being the one where Carter gets stabbed, I caught up with the back episodes on repeat) and loved it till it finished. It is one show, that I genuinely do miss each year, when the new US dramas come to the UK. There was never a rubbish episode, and I do intend to one day own the entire series on dvd. So when Grey’s came around, I was all like, I have a medical drama to watch, and I think it wasn’t on freeview telly at the time. But now I have this feeling – Am I cheating on ER!!?? The answer I’m gonna go for is no, because E.R. is gritter than Grey’s, Grey’s is like E.R. but posh. I do miss the grittiness, but I’m gonna keep watching. Grey’s is also more like House, which thanks to the idiots known as SKY TV, I never got to see the end of. Sky do this where they take shows, that have got really good audience on freeview and steal them, because they wouldn’t know how to pick a great show if they tried – Glee, Lost, Chuck to name but a few! If you haven’t got this by now – I HATE SKY!

In updates of what I did yesterday, I completed season 1 of New Girl and also got the fab news that Taylor Swift is gonna be in New Girl. This is exactly the same as when Hilary Duff got cast in Gossip Girl, my favourite things coming together! I also made a teeny tiny dent into my film folder. I started, but haven’t finished She’s Out Of My League and I watched and loved more than I thought I would The Runaways. I tend to not like films that Kristen Stewart is in cause she annoy’s me slightly (don’t ask! and it’s poor judgement on my part having never met her! Bad me!), but saying this now I really liked Snow White and the Huntsman, and I really liked her in The Runaways.

In updating on today, I am baking! I am watching The Big Reunion! I am reorganising  And I’m ticked off that my nails have all chipped and I blame Morrisons!


Film Of The Day: The Runaways
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Sally Hansen in The Sky’s The Limit and Lavender Cloud, with a glitter coat of OPI I juggle…. men!

The Boss Wants You!

So, the other day a work, I went into the office to do some photocopying, when the Secretary said:

“Did [name aka the boss] speak to you?”

At this moment, within like 5 seconds everything goes through your head – what did I do, what’s going on and more importantly, AM I GETTING CANNED!

This in-saneness was made worse when she then said:

“It was to do with that meeting last week.”

Now, this made the fact even worse, because it was an important meeting. Time goes very slow in those few seconds, but then luckily, I was glad to learn that it was something positive about me, rather than I was getting fired. So phew!

So, did you watch Comic Relief last night! I gotta say, it wasn’t that great, considering that my favourite moment of the night was watching John Bishop getting kissed to death by David Tennant!  But I’m glad they raised lots of money, so at least some good came out of it.


Thought Of The Day: Getting a cold!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Non but I had the same nails for 6 days running! Insane!

More things to add to that list!

Evidently, this weekend has been full of things to add to the list of little annoyance. But first, my apologies to the Sun. I don’t see you that often, so I was very sorry when tweeted at my annoyance at you spoiling my tv catch up time! I am most apologetic!

Anyway, the list:

  • People who leave crumbs in the butter. Butter is for spreading on your bread, not the inside of the tub, so keep it clean!
  • People who blow smoke and don’t care where it goes. It’s a filthy habit which I haven’t taken up, so I don’t care for someone blowing smoke it me. It stinks!
  • Someone filling up my itunes with songs I do not like – make a playlist.
  • People who find it highly amusing to not use there own email but yours to start social network accounts! Use your own bloody email cause honestly, I think you are complete idiots for almost really using someone else identity.
  • Which leads into rubbish help desks! Literally went round in circles and still don’t think I got through.
  • Which leads into password changing. Nearly went crazy this morning knowing I was typing in the correct one only to remembered that I’d changed it.

Anyway, great new now:

  • I have only been off on holiday for one day and I have already achieved one of the things that I wanted to do that I wasn’t going to tell you I was doing, just in case I didn’t! Score!
  • My Mad Fat Diary is ending tonight but has been confirmed for a second season. Score 2!

Although I would like to say I caught up on my telly back logged now having watched the first three episodes of “Dancing On The Edge”, those 4 episodes of “Mr Selfridge” might beg to disagree. I do like Mr Selfridge, but I prefer The Paradise . I think Mr Selfridge is trying to hard and trying to hard to be like Downton Abbey. But I’ll persevere. And more to that point, I also think the 6 pages of movies on my box will beg to disagree on the fact that I am “caught up”.


Sweets Of The Day: Squashies Drumstick!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Nicole By Opi in Kendall On The Katwalk and Angelica in Exposure which apparently glows in UV light, but as I am not presently nor will ever be at a Rave, I cannot confirm this!

Spoiler Alert!

Yet more admissions – I am a huge spoiler have to knower! And yes, I do realise that that isn’t even a word! But who the hell cares.

I am the kind of person that will flick through the chapters of a box and read random parts to find out if I think whats going to happen will actually happen and to basically read all the good bits! I will read all the spoilers going on my favourite tv shows, including my US ones, where I will read the episode synopsis on Wikipedia to see what will happen and will google fansites to find screencaps for the episodes when something great really happens!

I know that is as it suggests, spoiling things, but I really don’t see it as that at all. It’s more preparation! You see, there are many times when things have happened in an episode that I was all like Oh My God at and really annoyed. Now that I can prepare myself, I can get myself in the correct mental state (she says!), ok, maybe it’s just that I like spoilers/gossip/ect… I really don’t care!

So, when this morning I saw a tweet pop up in my timeline about a US show that I loved, first thing I did was wiki the episode. This is were your going to think I’m really sad. On my phone, I don’t know if other people get this, but because of the way Wikipedia is coded, I often can’t read the episode synopsis, because bit’s get cut off – yet I still read it and try to mentally fill in the gaps! Even though I hadn’t seen the episode, I tried to put in what I thought might happen and wanted to happen. Pathetic right – it gets worse! Then I IMDB’d it, because I know they have episode synopsis and whoever wrote it filled in the gaps so so well! Then tonight, I googled for a fansite and looked at screen caps! This episode is like a good chunk into the season too, so as I type this I am feeling even more of a pathetic idiot!

I’ll redeem myself and a spoiler alert to those who haven’t seen it – How good was the finale of Miranda!!!! It was such a perfect ending. OK now real spoilers, I just liked saying that! I got very depressed on Monday when the episode finished, because it only seems like 2 minutes ago since the series started! Role on series 4!

Do I overly use !!!!!!


Thought Of The Day: I had a really good one but it’s gone! I hope it comes back to me soon!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: I did a patch job on my Umberto Giannin shades in Ladies Violetta and Love.

I’m getting cynical with old age??

Is it clinically possible for someone to be cynical at the grand old age of 25? Cause I do believe that I am!

Hense the situation on Wednesday night. I was watching the NTA (National Television Awards). Now, I’m not gonna kid myself one little bit – Brits (apart from the Baftas) can’t throw award shows half as good as they do in America (please tell me otherwise – I love being proved wrong). And as using, the NTA’s was a very ITV affair with it’s x factor like effects and hosting. But I must admit, that I was pleased when Merlin, Miranda and Mrs Brown’s Boys won (I do love Big Bang though!).

Now, the hotly tipped category – the soap one. I’m gonna admit, I watch a load, Neighbour, Eastenders, Corrie and Emmerdale. Obviously, Neighbours wasn’t there, but the rest and Hollyoaks were. But here is where I get cynical. ITV knocked Emmerdale off to a one hour episode on Tuesday and put Corrie on at 7 on Wednesday, right before the NTA’s. Then obviously in the voting, Corrie was first, cause it was alphabetical, but then strangely when they showed clips, Corrie changed to the end – why? ITV so knew what they were doing with that and really it’s Emmerdale that I feel sorry for because it’s be very very good this year and they would have had a better chance of winning if they had been on at 7. There was really no need the change the schedule the way they did!

Anyway, more important things to worry about in the world – like why was Call The Midwife not nominated in the drama category when it clearly beat Downton in the ratings.


Weather Of The Day: Snow – see my twitter for more!
Nail Varnish Of The Day: None, would have been very chipped by today’s events!

The stupid things you see people do!

I saw something today while on my walk home and as soon as I saw it, I was literally like “did I really just see that happen?”, because I couldn’t quite believe it! I thought maybe he hadn’t seen, but I actually saw him turn on look!

OK, so here’s how it played out. There was a man walking in front of me, pushing a baby in a pram, while his dog walked next to it, not on a lead (not judging this! it’s important to the story). Anyway, so the guy decides he should put the dog onto the lead. So he let’s go of the pram and begins to put the lead on the dog. Sound’s pretty normal so far, bar one detail – this was on a hill! Naturally, pram starts to go down the hill (not a big hill, more like a path going to flat, but still pram able to move). Guy see’s pram moving, yet decides the wise decision is to let the pram keep moving, and continue to leash the dog! Luckily he caught up to the pram and thankfully, there were no cars around, but Jesus! Some people!

I had a rather fun night last night watching Miranda – I gotta say it was the best episode of series 3 so far and I thankfully do not have to have my sister asking me again “Is Gary Barlow in this episode?” because he was last night! I literally laughed my socks off from start to end, so much so, I am going to watch it again on iPlayer right now!


Tv Show Of The Day: Miranda
Nail Varnish Of The Day: Sally Hansen Insta Dry in Uptempo Plum – A Pound Shop Marvel!